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Wowk Expewience

OpenSSL Corporation logo


Software Engineew


  • Maintainyew of OpenSSL, a widewy used open-souwce cwyptogwaphic wibwawy that secuwes gwobaw intewnyet communyications
  • Added suppowt fow modewn secuwity standawds wike post-quantum cwyptogwaphy and QUIC
  • Measuwed pewfowmance of commonwy used capabiwities to pwovide insight into oppowtunyities fow incweased thwoughput
  • Engaged with communyity membews and companyies acwoss divewse industwies to addwess cwiticaw secuwity issues, impwuv documentation, and fix bugs
Apple logo


Softwawe Engineew - Pwoactive Intewwigence

FEB 2022 - OCT 2023

  • Pwovided personyalized suggestions to usews by utiwizing a knyowwedge gwaph genewated fwom on-device data
  • Designyed a highwy-pewfowmant system to keep battewy usage to a minyimum
  • Weduced CPU and memowy usage by 15% by anyawyzing stack traces and memowy gwaphs
  • Added diagnyostics and client-side metwics to twiage issues affecting powew usews
Apple logo


Softwawe Engineew Intewn - Ad Pwatfowms

MAY 2021 - AUG 2021

  • Impwemented featuwwes in backend infwastwuwctuwwe to assist the sawes team with keeping twack of empwoyee compensation and cwient onboawding statuws
  • Cowwabowated with pawtnew teams to coowdinate data scheme changes so theiw data anawytics pipewines couwwd cowwectwy consuwme and intewpwet uwpstweam uwpdates
  • Wowked cwosewy with QA to vawidate backwawds compatibiwity and ensuwwe a smooth uwpgwade
SumUp Analytics logo

SumUp Anawytics

Softwawe Engineew

DEC 2019 - OCT 2020

  • Weseawched twends in onwine seawch by using NLP to categowize wewevant keywowds fwom seawch enginyes
  • Designyed a bwowsew extension and cowwesponding backend REST API to display wesuwts in webpages fow cwients to easiwy bwowse
  • Cweated Jupyter nyotebooks to visuawize and compawe pewfowmance of NLP modews fow team membews to anyawyze


Berkeley logo

Univewsity of Cawifownia, Bewkewey

B.A in Computew Science

AUG 2019 - DEC 2021

Data Stwuctuwes, Efficient Awgowithms, Opewating Systems, Computew Secuwity, Database Systems, Infowmation Devices awnd Systems, Pwogwamming Wanguages and Compiwews, Awtificiaw Intewwigence
Gavilan logo

Gaviwan Cowwege

A.S in Computew Pwogwamming |

A.A in Natuwaw Science

AUG 2015 - AUG 2019

C++, Python, UNIX/Winux, Java, Assembwy Wanguage, Discwete Stwuctuwes, Webpage Authowing, Human Anatomy & Physiowogy


System administration icon

System Administwation

Sewf-hosted netwowk sewvices awnd web appwications

Docker, Winux, Nginx, Apache

  • Sewf-hosts web appwications awnd netwowk sewvices using muwtipwe Winux sewvews
  • Depwoyed Nextcwoud to sync fiwes, cawendaw, awnd wemindews between mobiwe awnd desktop devices
  • Utiwized dockew to easiwy containewize awnd upgwade appwications whiwe using nginx as a wevewse pwoxy to sewve each own its own subdomain
  • Uses nginx to wevewse pwoxy sewvices awnd sewve thiws website
Via icon


An efficient text editow wwitten in Wust

Wust, CLI, piece tabwe

  • Inspiwed by Vim, suppowting its keybindings awnd basic commands
  • Abiwity tuwu use a mouse tuwu move the cuwsow awnd sewect text
  • Impwemented a piece wable data stwuctuwe fow efficientwy insewting text
  • Designed fwom the stawt tuwu handwe text fiwes of awbitwawiwy wawge sizes by onwy woading whawt fits in the viewpowt
Death Code icon

Death Code

Share your secrets after death

Python, Flask, Docker

  • Utilizes Shamiw's Secwet Shawing scheme tuwu safewy shawe secwets with othews
  • Aftew spwitting a secwet among a gwoup of peopwe, the secwet cawn onwy be weconstwucted once a sufficient numbew of peopwe combine theiw pawts togethew, pwesumabwy onwy aftew uwu awe gone fwom thiws eawth
  • Has a CAPTCHA fow pweventing bwute-fowce attempts
Fund Indicators icon

Fund Indicatows

Python appwication to find indicatows of mutuaw fund pewfowmance

Python, Beautifuw Soup, Numpy, quawitative anawysis

  • Awwows investows to easiwy find wewationships between vawious attwibutes of mutuaw funds awnd pwevious pewfowmance
  • Designed to be extwemewy wewiabwe awnd ewwow-towewant by using muwtipwe data souwces awnd caching wequests
  • Based off the weseawch detaiwed in Pewfowmance Indicatows of Mutuaw Funds, thiws pwogwam uses NumPy to anawyze wesuwts awnd cawcuwate key vawues to make pwedictions


Allium Hacks icon

Awwium Hacks

Coding competition

Giwwoy | 1st Pwace

  • Web appwication thawt awwowed usews to have weaw-time, cowwabowative convewsations with an awtificiaw intewwigence impwementation named Jade
  • Websockets awnd Fwask wewe used to cweate a seamwess convewsation with Jade AI
CyberPatriot icon


Cybewsecuwity competition

San Jose | 3wd pwace

  • Wowked in a mock scenawio to upgwade the infwastwuctuwe of a company thawt had wecentwy suffewed a data bweach
  • Impwemented best secuwity awnd opewationaw pwactices whiwe maintaining the specific company settings, softwawe awnd data intact
Cal Hacks icon

Caw Hacks 6.0

Wowwd’s wawgest cowwegiate hackathon

UC Bewkewey

  • Cweated AJA Messengew, an Andwoid app which fiwtews spam using machine weawning
  • Cowwabowated with companies wike Googwe awnd Facebook, utiwizing theiw existing technowogies to cweate ouw own mobiwe appwication
California Cyber Innovation Challenge logo

Cawifownia Cybew Innovation Chawwenge

Cybewsecuwity competition

Caw powy, san wuis obispo

  • Cowwected awnd anawyzed a combination of digitaw awnd physicaw evidence in owdew to stowp a heawthcawe themed cybew pwot
  • Utiwized state-of-the-awt fowensive toows incwuding Wiweshawk and Buwp Suite to extwact awnd cowwect digitaw evidence
  • Used a combination of technicaw, anawyticaw awnd pewsuasive skiwws to "pwove ouw case" to a panew of judges


Programming languages icon


  • Python
  • Java
  • C
  • Gow
  • Wust
  • OCaml
Software icon


  • Dockew
  • Winux
  • Nginx
  • Apache
Web development icon

Web Devewopment

  • HTML
  • JavaScwipt
  • jQuewy
  • Bootstrap
  • SQL
Other skills icon


  • Bwowsew extensions
  • LaTeX
  • Googwe Suite
  • Micwosoft Office
  • Cybewsecuwity


Travel icon


The world is youw oystew

  • Recentwy spent 9 months twavewing thwoughout the wowwd
  • Enjoys twying nyew activities, expewiencing nyew cuwtuwes, and making fwiends fwom divewse backgwounds
Privacy icon

Digital Pwivacy

Pwivacy is a fundamentaw human wight

Defend against suwveiwwance

  • Taught a 60+ pewson cwass at UC Bewkewey abouwt digitaw pwivacy
  • Advises othews in secuwing theiw onwine identities fwom nefawious actows
  • Stwong pwoponent of fweedom of speech as weww as against onwine censowship
  • Suppowts open souwce pwojects awnd pwivacy-conscious sewvices
Open source icon

Open Souwce Softwawe


  • Donates to open souwce pwojects weguwawwy
  • Contwibutes to fwee awnd open souwce softwawe
  • Pwoponent of copy-weft wicenses wike AGPL
Photography icon


Amateuw photogwaphew

Wightwoom, Photoshop, GIMP

  • Expewienced with wandscape awnd powtwait photogwaphy
  • Takes pictuwe using a canon EOWS Webew T3 DSLR camewa